Free Credit Score Site Map Add URL Have a great web site that fits our them? Add your link free! About Us About the creators of Contact Us How to contact the builders of Articles: Does Working With a Credit Counseling Organization Hurt Your Credit Score? Article Topics: Credit counseling organizations do not lower your credit score when you approach them for assistance in creating a budget that you can work with
5 Ways To Prevent Credit Card Late Fees Article Topics: Paying a credit card late fee is the same as throwing your money away. Late credit card payments can also hurt your credit score. The payment tips and strategies here will show you how to prevent these costly fees
What Is A FICO Score? Article Topics: Your FICO score or credit score as it? commonly called is a very important calculation that can control whether or not you are eligible to receive credit and if eligible the terms you can receive credit under
Common Credit Score Myths Article Topics: A lot of credit score myths about fico score ratings get spread around and some of them are just outdated information. Sometimes even lenders can give you the wrong advice and it can get confusing
Credit Repair Myths and Facts Article Topics: There are no secrets to repairing your credit. Many shady credit repair agencies would love you to think the contrary. Negative items can be removed from your credit report and you can do it yourself
Restore Your Credit Rating And Reduce Your Debts Article Topics: Your credit rating affects many areas of your life. Opening new credit accounts, buying a home or car, getting a new job, and receiving discounts on insurance rates are just a few of the things that are impacted by your credit score
What To Expect From A Credit Repair Company Article Topics: It would be great if everyone had good credit. But the fact of the matter is, many people do not, and they have to suffer the consequences of having a bad credit score. A bad credit score means a lot more than not being able to buy a home or a new car
Repairing Your Credit Score and Clearing Derogatory Marks on Your Credit Report Article Topics: Raising your credit score can be a fairly simple and straightforward process unless you have derogatory marks that need to be disputed (which will be explained below)
Fico Scoring Basics Article Topics: FICO scoring originated from the Fair Isaac Company. The Fair Isaac Company invented the current credit scoring system that turns all of your credit information into a personal credit score
Legally Clearing Your Credit Article Topics: credit, repair, report, credit repair, own, credit report, years, service, understanding, company, information, own credit, millennium credit service, negative entries, get, legally, entries, millennium, number, services
The FICO Score Misconceptions Article Topics: There are many misconceptions about credit scores out there. There are borrowers who believe that they don? have a credit score. There are others who think that their credit scores don? really matter
Are the Credit Bureaus Really Helping Us Article Topics: credit, bureaus, credit bureaus, sell, need, reports, repair, todd disraeli, credit reports, disraeli, money, don't, todd, help, number, sell don't need, sell don't, costs, almost, get, card
Five Reasons to Repair Your Credit Score - You Can Do It Yourself Article Topics: There are multiple reasons that tell us why we should have a 700+ Credit Score, but these five facts will definitely give you the big picture and hopefully will drive you to want to fix your credit score starting today
Save Money and Lower your Payments by Improving or Repairing Your Credit Article Topics: Having a better credit score not only represents easier access to money from lending institutions, but more importantly represents instant money in your pocket
Tips On How To Fix Bad Credit Article Topics: Unfortunately, many people find themselves with bad credit. Bad credit is your personal financial history when it comes to things you have purchased on credit. Your credit score is becoming more and more important
5 Ways To Raise Credit Score Article Topics: It's not as hard as you think to raise credit score. It's a well known fact that lenders will give people with higher credit scores lower interest rates on mortgages, car loans and credit cards
Your Credit Rating and How To Check It Article Topics: There is a lot of confusion surrounding UK credit ratings, credit scores, credit blacklists, credit reports, and credit files. This guide to your credit rating aims to give you the facts you need
Why Your Credit Score is Important Article Topics: Your credit score can either haunt you or reward you. It all depends on how you handle your credit and payment activities. Your credit score determines what interest rates you will pay and if you are even approved for a loan or a credit card at all
Is Your Credit Score Being Held Against You? Article Topics: Credit Scores That HurtIs your credit score being held against you?More and more the staples of life depend on your credit score
Beware of Bogus Credit Repair Companies Article Topics: credit, information, repair, credit repair, card, companies, consumer, credit card, free, report, office, omar, get, consumers, agencies, call, local, information credit, credit report, remove negative information, financial, reference